Shin Splint Treatment in Hurst, TX

Athletes can attest to the intoxication-like sensation that comes from an intense run - but running hard can also come at a cost. When the connective muscle tissue surrounding your tibia becomes swollen and irritated from overuse, you become victim of "shin splints" (formally known as medical tibial stress syndrome, or MTSS).
Often the bane of an athlete's existence, shin splints can be explained as the painful aching along the shinbone (tibia) that often rears its ugly head after an ambitious run.
Shin splints, despite being associated with athletes and runners specifically, can affect anyone. Because shin splints occur when repetitive stress is abruptly applied to the shinbone and the connective tissue that attach your muscles to the bone, they are common among those involved in extreme sudden physical activity - such as those with unrealistic exercise and weight loss expectations.
If you think you may be suffering from shin splints, schedule a consultation with our Hurst shin splints treatment specialist. Call (817) 203-2760 or contact Ms. Jessica Stangenwald online.
Shin Splint Symptoms
Recurring pain along the inner part of the lower two-thirds of the tibia is an indication you suffer shin splints. Pain may start after you finish running or exercising. The pain can eventually occur at the start of your exercise, indicating a problem exists. You may also experience tenderness in the affected shin along with mild swelling in the lower leg.
Who is Affected by Shin Splints?
Shin splints can affect:
- Runners, especially amateur runners, who aren't accustomed to running as a habit, or veteran runners whose running regimen is too quickly increased
- Athletes whose sport requires playing on hard surface, with sudden stops and starts
- Dancers
- Those who run on uneven terrain, such as hills
- Military trainees
- Those with flat feet or high arches
Shin Splint Prevention
Though they are as common as they are painful, shin splints can be strategically avoided. Shin splints commonly occur due to inadequate stretching; therefore, adjusting your pre-workout ritual can often help you from getting shin splints; stretching after your workout is just important.
Wearing proper running shoes with adequate arch support can help decrease the pain in your shins, and replacing your shoes when they lose their support (at about every 350 to 500 miles/560 to 800 kilometers) can further help prevent shin splints from occurring.
Setting incremental goals when participating in a sport - that is, increasing your running regimen gradually - is also an effective preventive strategy. You might also consider alternating your workout routines - such as from running to riding a bike or swimming - in order to maintain your cardiovascular intensity without putting extended strain on your shins.
Shin Splints Treatment
Should you become the victim of shin splints, there are nonetheless many ways to ease your pain. You may start by:
- Resting
- Icing the affected area
- Taking over-the-counter pain relievers
If these at-home shin splint remedies don't work, seeing your healthcare provider may help and, in more severe cases, surgery may be discussed.
Regardless of the treatment, it is important not to resume your exercise routine until you have fully recovered. While recovery time will vary for the individual, it has been reported that the average runner has needed 72 days to fully recover from shin splints. Your shin splints may be considered healed when:
- Your injured leg regains its flexibility and is as flexible as your other leg
- Your injured leg regains its strength and feels as strong as your other leg
- You can again jog, sprint and jump without pain
- Your X-rays appear normal, or they show that any stress fractures have healed
Shin splints can be painful and, when they occur, can make exercising difficult. Don’t let shin splints debilitate you any longer. Get back on track and consult a specialist in Hurst, call (817) 203-2760 or contact Ms. Jessica Stangenwald online.
The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic
100 Grapevine HwyHurst, TX 76054
(817) 203-2760
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm