Snapping Hip Syndrome Treatment in Watauga - Fort Worth, TX

The hips play an important role in facilitating your body's overall stability, acting as a ball-and-socket joint that joins your thigh bone (femur) with your pelvis. This essential union, which only the hips make possible, in turn facilitates your ability to walk and move around. As a weight-bearing structure, however, the hips are subject to potential damage when excessive stress is put on them. Athletes, in particular, who regularly push their hips to the extreme ranges of motion, are especially prone to developing a condition called snapping hip syndrome (also frequently referred to as dancer's hip), which is characterized by a snapping sensation or sound in your hip when moving. Usually not posing a health risk, snapping hip syndrome can be annoying to live with and, in harsher instances, can become painful if proper treatment is not sought.
Don't let a snapping or popping hip keep you out of the game; schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider in Watauga - Fort Worth who specializes in snapping hip syndrome treatment. Call (817) 203-2760 or contact The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic online.
Snapping Hip Syndrome Cause
Typically, snapping hip is the result of tightness in the muscles and tendons surrounding the hip. Young athletes are particularly vulnerable due to tightness in the muscle structures of their hips commonly due to growth spurts during adolescence. Snapping hip syndrome usually affects one of three areas of the hip:
External Snapping Hip: The most common of snapping hip cases, external snapping hip occurs when the iliotibial band (or "IT band") passes over a portion of the femur known as the greater trochanter.
Internal Snapping Hip: Internal snapping hip can affect a number of different parts of the hip, including:
- Front of the hip: A tendon called rectus femoris tendon, which runs from the front of the thigh to the pelvis, can be at play in snapping hip. This tendon moves back-and-forth across the thighbone when you bend and straighten the hip, and when involved in excessive physical activity, snapping and popping may follow. Additionally, the iliopsoas tendon can pass over a bony prominence of the pelvis, leading to snapping hip.
- Back of the hip: The hamstring can be involved in snapping hip when it moves across the ischial tuberosity (also called the sitting bone) and catches on, causing a snapping sensation in the buttock region.
Additionally, snapping hip may be caused as the result of cartilage problems, such as when the labrum that lines the socket of the hip tears. Cases of snapping hip syndrome brought on by cartilage tears are typically referred to as intra-articular.
Snapping Hip Syndrome Symptoms
Snapping hip syndrome symptoms are generally simple: a snapping sensation or popping sound in the hip. For dancers or athletes, snapping hip syndrome might additionally cause pain and weakness in the hip region that interferes with performance.
Snapping Hip Syndrome Treatment
If snapping hip syndrome is suspected, your healthcare provider will want to conduct a physical exam that is accompanied by a detailed medical history and review of your symptoms. Questions about your condition may focus on where you are experiencing pain, whether you have experienced an injury to the hip recently, what activities exacerbate your pain and whether you can demonstrate the snapping. X-rays may be ordered to rule out other potential causes of pain.
For minor cases of snapping hip syndrome, your healthcare provider might simply advice against participating in your sport or modifying your activity. Additionally, resting the hip and applying ice may help, while over-the-counter pain relievers may reduce your pain.
In more severe cases, snapping hip syndrome treatment might require physical therapy—which could consist of strengthening exercises, stretching and alignment. Your healthcare provider might recommend a corticosteroid injection to the affected area to relieve inflammation, or, in rarer cases, surgery (hip arthroscopy) may be recommended to repair the hip joint.
Get Moving Again Today
While mild cases of snapping hip syndrome may be annoying, but tolerable, it is always recommended to seek treatment. Worsening cases of snapping hip syndrome could lead to a condition called bursitis—the thickening and inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that allows the muscle to move smoothly over bone—caused by prolonged, unaddressed snapping hip syndrome.
Your hips are critical to proper movement, athletic technique and general wellness. If your hips are disrupting your life, schedule a consultation with a qualified healthcare provider in Watauga - Fort Worth who specializes in snapping hip syndrome treatment. Call (817) 203-2760 or contact The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic online.
The New You Medical & Infusion Clinic
100 Grapevine HwyHurst, TX 76054
(817) 203-2760
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm